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Climate Challenge 2021: Cikis for a more sustainable fashion

The Climate Challenge 2021 is an initiative created to raise awareness on the theme of the fight against climate change, goal number 13 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. It consists of undertaking at least three eco-sustainable resolutions for the new year and actively reduce one’s environmental impact. Serena Moro, Cikis Head of Sustainability, reminds us that to achieve significant outcomes it’s essential to involve the largest number of stakeholders, thus undertaking individual but also corporate and collective actions.
These are the three Cikis resolutions for a more sustainable 2021:

  1. Quantify the reduction of the environmental impact achieved during the year through the various projects managed. Cikis helps companies in the fashion sector – along the entire supply chain and of all sizes – reduce their emissions. Quantifying the results obtained is crucial: both for transparent communication and a concrete contribution to the challenge of Climate Change.
  2. The second objective is to promote a cycle of training webinars on sustainability in fashion to make skills in this field accessible to companies of all sizes. It can very often be difficult for SMEs to identify how to align their employees with a vision that takes into account environmental impacts, and the tools to do so are still too little widespread.
  3. Internally, Cikis has already adopted a server powered by renewable sources. To emit even less CO2, our team has decided to reduce the use of video calls compared to voice-only calls that impact less.

Beyond the Climate Challenge: consultancy for sustainable fashion

Cikis works with professionals who have been operating for over 15 years in fashion sustainability to help large and small brands, companies in the supply chain, and international trade fair organizations to integrate technical sustainability skills into their strategy. These skills are indispensable today to remain competitive in a market increasingly attentive to environmental and social problems. Take part in the Climate Challenge too!

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Serena Moro
To design and develop your sustainability strategy

Sustainability consultant specialised in project planning, with specific attention to the development of sustainable and traced supply chains.
She has founded Cikis to make a concrete impact in the world of fashion.

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